One question that is asked at every interview—for renewing a contract as well as new employment—is, “Why do you feel called to Restoration Academy?” While credentials are crucial and display qualifications, they are not nearly all that is required to impact our students for their future (and eternity!). While one third of our staff have graduate degrees, more than one third live in the communities our school serves.


Board of Directors

Richard Abernethy, Chairman Ken McPherson
Brad Adair Paul Pankey
Lauren Barrett George Sarris
Mitch Bradford David Pugh
Jeffrey Brewer Randy Reed
Andrew Brower Richard Riley
Barbara Cartledge Lisa Shoupe
Philip Crane Jane Sides
Sonny Culp Andy Sink
Johnny Garlington Abe Smith
Darnell Gardner Kelleigh Gamble
Warren Lightfoot Steve Upton
Billy Longshore Russell Vandevelde
Scott Watson





Jr./Sr. High