Restoration Academy Celebrates Veterans Day
Our students invited special Veterans in their own lives to come for breakfast prior to the program.
Our high school and middle school art classes created art work for our Breakfast with Veterans hospitality room.
Two United States Marines visit before the program. Master Sergeant Arthur Bowens and Bill Payne, US Marine (Ret).
Students give our Veteran Guests a standing ovation as they enter the program today.
Mr. Goessling, Executive Director, led the students in prayer at the end of our program giving thanks for our veterans and their service.
This first graders pose for a photo with our veteran guests.
Elementary students visited with our veteran heroes following the program. Master Sergeant Arthur Bowens shared his experience in the US Marines Corps with our fifth grade students.
On Veteran’s Day each year Restoration Academy celebrates and honors our nation's veterans. This year's program featured a procession honoring veterans as well as performances from elementary and high school students. We are so thankful for their selfless service and cannot honor them enough for the things they have done to keep our country free and safe!
Veterans, thank you so much for your service. Please enjoy the videos and photos below from today’s celebration.