Living Out the Gospel to a Desperate World

Please pray for strength, courage, and hope for our teachers and our students. Pray that they would keep their eyes on Christ and continue working, racing, and hoping for a strong finish to the 2018-19 school year. Lastly pray that there will be a reaping of the Gospel in the lives of our students and reaping of hope in the school as a whole.

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9

 We have been entrusted to live out and proclaim “good news” to a world in desperate need of it. It stands to reason that news becomes better and better in contrast to the bad news that it is addressing. Therefore the Gospel is hope for the hopeless, sight for the blind, liberty for the captives, and freedom for the oppressed. In a world that is strangled by sin, the Gospel is a fresh breath of life and light.

If we invest our time and energy in living and proclaiming good news it’s quite possible that we will encounter a deep sense of weariness. Seeking to promote and produce life and hope in contexts where those things are missing exposes us to discouragement, disillusionment, and depression. People and contexts that are rife with hopelessness can often fill us with our own sense of hopelessness.

This is why Paul’s words in Galatians 6:9 are so relevant. We must, by His grace and strength, never grow weary of doing good. Despite the fatigue that may set in, our words and actions are used by Him to produce goodness and grace in a world that is struggling to find both.

At times we see little to no fruit for our efforts. There are days and even seasons that feel overwhelmed with fruitlessness. In these spaces we might feel a desire to give up. And yet we must be mindful that the Lord will extract a reaping in His own good timing. Lives will be changed. Hope will be found. Light will emerge. The Gospel will be received.

Third quarter is historically one of the hardest times for both teachers and students. Academic, relational, and mental fatigue become pervasive feelings. Sometimes the 3rd quarter can become a time of discouragement. Please pray for strength, courage, and hope for our teachers and our students. Pray that they would keep their eyes on Christ and continue working, racing, and hoping for a strong finish to the 2018-19 school year. Lastly pray that there will be a reaping of the gospel in the lives of our students and reaping of hope in the school as a whole.

Creative Coordinator