Kierra Price
Check in with 2015 graduate Kierra Price. Kierra is about to graduate from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and plans to pursue directing and cosmetology.
Check in with 2015 graduate Kierra Price. Kierra is about to graduate from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and plans to pursue directing and cosmetology.
Morgan Smith, Class of 2017, updates us on where she is 2 1/2 years after graduating from Restoration Academy. Morgan is a junior at Alabama A&M University studying Communicative Disorders. She’s a member of the A&M Echoes, the University’s admissions ambassadors.
From Friday nights to Sunday afternoons, Deion Calhoun has reached the highest level of play on the gridiron. While we are more proud of his success on the field of play, we are more proud of his work in the classroom and the game of life!
Restoration Academy just completed a $3.5 million campaign allowing us to grow the school by 11,000 square feet! More importantly, the state-of-the-art building allows us to increase our student by almost 100%!
William Creagh, Class of 2017, reflects on his experience on the Appalachian Trail through the RA Outdoors program as well as updates us on what is happening in his life now in 2019.
Restoration Academy graduate Rodney Ellis (Class of '01) is an exceptional example of some of the ways God has used this ministry since it began in 1988. This video, produced by Lantern Vision, does a marvelous job of telling this inspirational story of his journey—from RA graduate, to receiving God's calling to Southeastern Bible College, to becoming a godly father and RA parent, and ultimately Restoration's first-ever Resource Officer.
Tim Collins, Class of 2015, graduated from Tennessee Tech in Business Management in May 2019. With a year of NCAA eligibility left after graduation, Tim transferred to Western Michigan University where he is a Defensive End.