Expansion & Growth
“What used to hold 15 cars and a storage container of athletic equipment now is a 10 classroom, five office, state-of-the-art learning facility for our students.”
Standing in the upstairs of the completed 11,000 ft2 expansion, completed on July 15th, you would never know that six months prior it was a parking lot. What used to hold 15 cars and a storage container of athletic equipment now is a 10 classroom, five office, state-of-the-art learning facility for our students.
At Restoration Academy, our ongoing goal is to offer the very best to our students—the very best in curriculum, the very best in education, the very best in facilities. Over the course of the 2019–2020 school year, as of press time, friends of the school committed just over $3 million to the project. These commitments enable the school to offer the very best to our current students and to expand our student body from 340 to 520 students! That’s over 500 students who will benefit from a Restoration Academy education.
Encompassed in the new classroom space is a center for the visual and musical arts. The fine arts area is just another step towards more in-depth elective offerings for our students. The new classroom space enables us to provide a team teaching approach to our middle school students. A team-teaching approach gently transitions students between the contained classroom style of an elementary program into the multiple teacher approach in traditional high school.
The expansion not only includes the new building but also acquisition of the two office buildings next to the school. Both of these buildings have since been demolished and will become a play field, green space and picnic area for our students.
In addition to the classroom and office space, security is a priority in the expansion project. Over $250,000 has been committed to security upgrades in both the middle/high school campus and elementary campus for the 2019-2020 school year.
Bricks and mortar, technology and security are important components in any capital project. However, the ability to provide our students additional academic excellence, expanded elective offerings, green space and increased safety is worth far more than the building itself.